Running in Silence
“Until we start putting mental health on par with physical health, and until we buy into the fact that RED-S and EDs in sport are metabolic ‘injuries’ that deserve prevention, screening, evaluation, treatment, and clearance protocols like any other sports-related injury, we will be stuck in the position of simply responding to bad outcomes that sideline our athletes rather than preventing bad outcomes that may or will eventually sideline our athletes if left unattended.”
~Dr. Paula Quatromoni (DSc, RD, Boston University)
Athletes are 2-3 times more likely to develop an eating disorder than the general population. Yet coaches, teammates, parents, and even athletes who struggle themselves are often unable to see it in a world where discipline, determination, and “no pain, no gain” attitude can lend themselves to disordered thoughts and behaviors around food and exercise. When eating disorders affect athletes, their risk of injury and even suicide goes up.
Many athletic programs are left in the dark, with little training required, and unknowingly perpetuate misconceptions surrounding eating disorders. Meanwhile, athletes continue running in silence for fear of the shame, stigma, and confusion surrounding this stigmatized topic.
Our mission is to raise awareness and offer actionable steps through engaging and motivational presentations, encourage athletes to speak up about their own struggles, and help coaches navigate a piece of the sporting world that has been hidden for far too long.
Featured Sponsors
“Thank you for allowing my cross country team to contribute to spreading awareness about eating disorders. If it wasn’t for Running in Silence, I would have never shared my story. Running in Silence has inspired me. It has made me go beyond my comfort zone and take a risk. It has made me be vulnerable. I could not be more appreciative of the organization for doing that. Just within a few days, I have gotten tons of people reaching out, sharing their own personal experiences of what they have dealt with. That means people are talking and listening to one another. It has been remarkable! I can’t wait to see where things will go next.” – Emily Jackson, Senior Cross Country Runner
Thanks to Emily and her teammates, $300 was raised to help grow the Running in Silence mission!
Capital High School Cross Country Team
“I want everyone to read this book. What struck me most was the sheer honesty of how Rachael shares what she went through, how it impacted her sport, and how it impacted her emotionally, physically, and socially.”
Rachael Steil clocked in as an All-American collegiate runner; she became a girl clawing for a comeback on a fruitarian diet. This year-long struggle with raw food ended when she realized she had to find her self-respect beyond her identity as a successful runner on a perfect diet. Running in Silence opens the door on the secret world of eating disorders. It provides vital insights for those who don’t suffer from this disorder and an honest and harrowing personal story for those who do. Steil challenges the stigma of eating disorders, looks past appearance, and dives into the heart of obsession.
Running in Silence book net profits go to the Running in Silence 501(c)3.