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44 search results for: raw food


Why Did I Attempt a Raw Food Diet as a Runner?

One of the biggest questions I get is about why I felt the need to follow a raw food diet as a collegiate cross country and track runner. Nutrition was important to me from a young age because I wanted to eat well to run well–and I started running consistently when I was 5 years […]


Raw Food Journal Entry 6

April 20, 2011 These past few days I haven’t bothered to write down everything because it’s been pretty consistent, with no major new things to record. Just eatin’ my fruits and veggies! Yesterday was fantastic because Wege had a salad of avocado and spinach. I might have over-done it on the avocado (I should watch […]


Raw Food Journal 5: Racing Raw

April 16, 2011 I ran the 1500m and the 800m today. My races were pitiful to say the least. I felt drained. I don’t think it’s from the food–I’ve gotten very little sleep throughout the week, I stood for hours in the cold Thursday night at the high school track meet, I’ve been stressed with […]


Raw Food Journal Entries 3 & 4

April 14, 2011 I think this was my best raw food day yet. Breakfast: I tried out the flax seeds for the first time! I felt proud of myself when I used the coffee grinder to grind them. What an amazing tool. Shows how advanced I am in my food preparation skills…. I created my […]


Raw Food Journal Entry 2

April 12, 2011 Mood: This diet is new, so it’s exciting for me! Breakfast: 4 plums, banana, orange, Raw organic fiber bar, Larabar Today is the day I can test what the raw food will do for my stomach during the workout. We have a 12x400m workout on the track and a few weeks ago […]