Entries by Rachael

Can Coaches Tell Athletes to Lose Weight? Q&A with Dr. Paula Quatromoni

This Q&A was originally part of the first Q&A here, but is republished below to separate and make it easier to find questions/topics. This is part of a Q&A series with the leading expert in eating disorders and sports and registered dietitian, Paula Quatromoni. For more Q&As click here. Q: Can coaches tell athletes to lose […]

Should Coaches Weigh Their Athletes? Q&A with Paula Quatromoni

This Q&A was originally a part of the first Q&A here, but was republished as a new post to separate and make it easier to find questions/topics. This is part of a Q&A series with leading expert in eating disorders and sports and registered dietitian, Paula Quatromoni. For more Q&As click here. Q: Should coaches […]

The Summer I Ate Burgers and Chips

The first summer of nearly full eating disorder recovery, I ate burgers and chips. It was a summer of eating food I hadn’t consumed in years. And with it, I discovered freedom. A New Way of Living No longer did I have to worry about having “healthier” food to eat when going out with friends. […]

Being Told “You’re Not Sick Enough” (Guest Post by Emily Kopacz)

Trigger warning: eating disorder behaviors mentioned. A lump formed in my throat as I walked towards my college’s wellness center. Two days prior I had had my first appointment with a nutritionist at a practice specialized in eating disorder treatment. The nutritionist, horrified specifically by my laxative abuse, advised that I get a blood panel […]