Can Coaches Tell Athletes to Lose Weight? Q&A with Dr. Paula Quatromoni
This Q&A was originally part of the first Q&A here, but is republished below to separate and make it easier to find questions/topics. This is part of a Q&A series with the leading expert in eating disorders and sports and registered dietitian, Paula Quatromoni. For more Q&As click here.
Q: Can coaches tell athletes to lose weight?
A (Dr. Quatromoni): Weight concerns should be managed by a qualified nutrition professional, not a coach. So if a coach has a concern about an athlete’s weight, he/she should express that concern to the nutrition professional (not to the athlete). The coach should let the nutritionist assess the athlete, determine whether weight change is appropriate, and initiate a proper plan of nutrition intervention.
The work between the nutritionist and the athlete should remain private and confidential. A coach should place full trust that the nutritionist is managing the case and monitoring the athlete’s progress towards goals. This allows the coach to focus interactions with the athlete on skill, technique, and training, not on weight.