Book Release Aftermath
It has taken five years of writing, editing, and research to make Running in Silence happen. This means that when the Running in Silence book released this past Tuesday, I felt relieved and exhausted.
Part of the relief and excitement comes from how quick and easy it is to offer a tool (the book) to those who are struggling or those who want to understand eating disorders better. Or, even just for those who want a good story to read (I’ve been getting feedback that Running in Silence is hard to put down, NICE!). I’ve received many emails over the years with pleas for help and from people wanting suggestions or insight. This book offers a way to show my story (including the recovery process) so others can perhaps get help in similar ways.
The book journey isn’t finished. I’d say I’m a little over halfway now since marketing, promotion, speaking appearances, and book signings continues on well after the book has been published. In fact, setting up and preparing for speaking events is the biggest activity taking up my time at the moment.
I want to extend a huge thank you to everyone who came out this past week to support the Running in Silence book release. It has been a whirlwind in the months (and years, since starting this blog in 2012) leading up to November 15.