Interview with National Champ Erin Herrmann: Speaking Up About Eating Disorders
I had the privilege of interviewing National Champion for the 3000m Steeplechase from Hope College Erin Herrmann, who came out about her eating disorder in May. She shares her story and advice for others who may be struggling in the video interview below! Her biggest tip? TALK ABOUT IT.
“Trust in the love of the people you are surrounded by. They will help you see what you need to see in yourself.”
I have been sick twice and during those period repeatedly regurgitated. I now have chronic hiccups apparently caused by overstimulation of the phrenic nerve.
I hope and prey I can go back to normal and would hope to warn people of the dangers of regurgitation. Mine did not start from a desire to lose weight but an illness, I apparently barf too vigorously, and I worry about the long-term damage that has been caused. Going to a meeting and not being able to get a sentence out without other sounds is not fun. I write in the hope that others will be aware of the profound dangers of regurgitation. Having a stupid boy not like you may not be best, but not being to speak without interrupting sounds is far worse.