Is it Okay to Have a Scale in the Weight Room? Q&A With Dr. Paula Quatromoni
In this Q&A series, Dr. Paula Quatromoni (DSc, RD) answers some of the biggest questions coaches and athletic staff have to help prevent or address eating disorders in athletes and assist athletes who may be struggling. Sign up for our email list to get the next link to the newest Q&A right to your inbox.
Question: Our strength trainer has a scale near the entrance of the high school weight room. Is this okay? I worry that athletes may focus too much on the scale, weigh themselves too often (and in public), and struggle with body image concerns. Should I ask our strength trainer about this? If the strength trainer is weighing athletes, is this okay, or should it only be done by a medical professional?
Answer: Absolutely, your concerns are valid. I support your desire to have a conversation with the strength coach about what you observe and what you’re concerned about.
The short answer to this question is this:
To be most weight-inclusive and body positive, and to lower the risk of an undue emphasis being placed on body weight, shape, size, or appearance as a contributing factor to sports performance or an athlete’s value (a common risk factor for dieting, disordered eating, and eating disorders), it would be best to remove the scale from the open space in the school’s weight room.